dinsdag 20 december 2011

"Oh like duuuuh" said Sexine, rolling their eyes. "Eeeeevveeeryone knows that like, Kode 9 invented all of that occult shit when him and all those other STUDENTS went to UNIVERsSITY. Oh my god, like, when people did that shit? It's un-bel-eeeeev-able. That was when Ant and Dec were in the charts and

injects, knowledge can make drowning.

oh fuck off man, you know that psychic shit gives me spots and I JUST DONT NEED THAT RIGHT NOW.

Everyone knows that they all went to that UNI and then decided to inflict their stupid egos upon everyone else. Oh MY GOD, what were they called? Like the Ctulthu Warriors or something, jesus. It's no wonder someone killed grandfather, it's his own fault. It's a wonder any of them are left alive. If you ask me it's Mark Fisher that's doing it. He's fucking off his head, that one. Report that cunt to the la-la police right now, if you ask me.

I just like looking back and thinking, oh MY GOD, no wonder they, like, abolished universities if that's the sort of shit they came out with. My god, have you read that Nick one? Jesus what a load of shit. And he was one of their teachers!

At this point, we feel that Sexine has outdone their usefulness and their androgyny, and will be dispatched with forthwith. By shit that's way darker than any Speculative Realist could ever realise. This demon blogs hard. What.

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