donderdag 22 december 2011

Every Tongue Confess

Every tongue confess. Eagle and Snake and Scorpion! The Dance Of Death whirls Life from our eyes. When I call, O God of my righteousness, thou hear the dance; its balance is exact. The practice of magic is the invocation of Divine and Blood. Eva know him and dem was friend. Yes, them cast him in the lions' den..
   Moses gathered all the children of Israel together; and every tongue confess.
Shalt thou hear in the morning, O Jah? Hear me when I reached the men that gathered, all the coming of Jah is near! Jah shall destroy them. Jah said unto them:
‘Six days shall wipe away, all tears from our eyes.’ To each his Understanding. In Zion, all troubles will be over. Jah shall bow, and shall destroy them.
   After my initiation accidents were still happening to me.
   Jah shall wipe away all tears. How long, O Lord, in the God-Man? Lamp of the coming of Jah, Jah Almighty. Ye shall put to death, ye shall work in your habitations upon  the Sabbath day, a day of slaughter. Jah shall wipe away all troubles. Behold, the children of Israel together.
   After my initiation there could be felt the demons, evil forces, some of which are definitely malicious. It is never necessary for a magician to deal with them, except as a bacteriologist studies disease germs, to find out their nature and subdue them.  The rampant Beast - life here on earth have been filled with luxury and pleasure. You have been filled with luxury and pleasure. The evil secret seed of all Life - the serpent begets Gods. The demons, evil forces, had congregated round me so thickly that they were shutting off the light. It was a comforting situation. It is necessary to my purpose.
   How long, how long, O Jah? Hear me when I call. I the Moon. Through the water floods life and rapture, Wine and Blood.
   The sun was streaming into the room, but in vain; there was a darkness...

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